Nov 9, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Submissions for Minnesota’s New State Flag and Seal Unveiled

Thousands of designs that were submitted to the State Emblems Redesign Commission last month can now be viewed by the public.

Minnesota is in the process of coming up with a new design for the official state flag and seal. State legislators established the State Emblems Redesign Commission in the 2023 legislative session to develop and adopt new designs. Lawmakers in favor of a redesign say the flag and seal are indistinct compared with other U.S. states and feature imagery that is offensive to Native Americans.

Minnesotans were encouraged to submit ideas for the new flag and seal, and they certainly did so, as more than 2,600 designs can now be viewed online. Flag submissions can be seen here, and seal submissions are available here.

Later this month, the commission will select five submissions each for the new state seal and state flag. The commission must come up with a new design from the official state flag no later than Jan. 1.

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