Feb 9, 2024 | By: Miles Walker

Pine River-Backus Food Shelf Battling Through Winter Hardships

The Pine River-Backus Area Food Shelf has supported its community for over forty years, however it always seems to run into hurdles come Winter time.

With inclement weather conditions limiting the Food Shelf’s access to fresh food, the demand can quickly exceed to the available supplies.

The Pine River Backus Area Food Shelf’s stood for over forty years and twenty years from its new location, all in the name providing the community an essential service.

The Food Shelf buys its supplies from Second Harvest, local farmers, and the Pine River Family Market, which also donates bakery items to the food shelf weekly.

But even with all the help it garners, consistently providing food for patrons during the winter–when layoffs are more frequent–can become difficult.

Even though supplies are of the essence this time of the year, Kathleen Stephan along with the entire Pine River-Backus Area Food Shelf staff are all dedicated towards ensuring optimal accessibility.

And for them, it’s less about doing a job and more about fulfilling a calling.

Those interested in volunteering at the Pine River-Backus Area Food Shelf the Family Center at (218) 587-4292.

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