Feb 14, 2024 | By: Sammy Holladay

Northwoods Experience: 3rd Annual Bobber Bocce on Ice Tournament in Pequot Lakes

Over the weekend, the Pequot Lakes Chamber of Commerce held the 3rd annual Bobber Bocce on Ice. Due to the mild winter, organizers weren’t able to hold it on the ice, but that didn’t stop the event from being a fun and memorable day.

The Bobber Bocce on Ice tournament was supposed to take place on Sibley Lake, but as many Minnesotans know, this winter has made it challenging for outdoor winter activities. Concerns over safety on the lake were factors in the change of location, but the lack of another winter staple, snow, was another reason for the move.

Although the event wasn’t exactly on the ice, that didn’t stop people from having one heck of a time at Trailside Park. The event is held at the perfect time for some, just as they get the itch to be outside.

This was only the third edition of Bobber Bocce on Ice, but there are high hopes that this event will continue to grow.

There was a total of 25 teams of four for the tournament. A 50/50 raffle was also held, with the funds raised being put toward repainting the bobber water tower in Pequot Lakes.

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