Jun 27, 2016 | By: Chelsie Brown

NJPA Makes Top 150 Workplaces by Star Tribune

STAPLES —National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) has been named one of the Top 150 Workplaces in Minnesota by the Star Tribune. NJPA ranked 49th on the small-sized company list.

Stated in the release, “At NJPA, we are truly blessed with great team members and an extremely supportive Board of Directors. I am very proud that the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces recognition has confirmed our work environment as one of the top in Minnesota. This recognition is a tribute to everyone associated with our organization,” stated Dr. Chad Coauette, NJPA Executive Director/CEO.

According to the release, the top workplaces report recognizes the most progressive companies in Minnesota based on employee opinions measuring engagement, organizational health and satisfaction.

The rankings in the Star Tribune Top 150 Workplaces are based on survey information collected by WorkplaceDynamics, an independent company specializing in employee engagement and retention. The analysis included over 73,870 employees responses.

Over 1,555 companies were invited to participate in the rankings that were calculated on employee responses. To qualify, a company must have more than 50 employees in Minnesota.

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