Apr 6, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Minnesota Moose Count Down from 2022, DNR Says Population Stable

Minnesota’s moose count is down this year, but Department of Natural Resources officials say the population remains relatively stable.

According to an aerial population survey, this year’s moose population estimate is 3,290. Although the estimate dropped from 2022’s estimate of 4,700, the change continues to reflect the population stability observed in previous years.

Although survey results suggest a decrease in the moose population from 2022 to 2023, DNR officials say these estimates are better used to understand long-term trends.

Factors such as visibility of moose from the air, challenging weather conditions, and moose avoidance of aircraft create moderately high sampling uncertainty. That uncertainty makes it difficult for researchers to make confident statements about the magnitude of annual population changes unless those changes are relatively large.

While estimates suggest continued stability in the population and reproductive success, DNR researchers point out that Minnesota moose remain at risk given long-term trends.

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