Apr 24, 2024 | By: Sammy Holladay
Denim Day at CLC Aims to Bring Awareness to Sexual Assault
April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over half of women and almost one in three men have experienced sexual violence involving physical contact during their lifetimes. Today, Sexual Assault Services had a display for Denim Day at Central Lakes College in Brainerd.
Denim Day is traditionally held on the last Wednesday of April. People are encouraged to wear denim to oppose victim blaming and teach others about sexual violence.
The day comes from a high-profile case in the late nineties in Italy, where the Italian Supreme Court overturned a rape conviction in which the perpetrator claimed the teenage girl’s jeans were too tight. The argument was that the young woman must have participated in removing her jeans.
“That is what the movement came from, that’s what Denim Day is. Their campaign is ‘#NoExcuses,’ so it’s regardless of anything,” explained Breonna Yaggy, an Advocate with Sexual Assault Services. “It doesn’t matter what they’re wearing, it doesn’t matter what they’re doing, it doesn’t matter if they’re drunk, it doesn’t matter if you’re married. … There’s no excuse to sexually assault somebody, regardless of the factors.”
That Italian Supreme Court decision was itself reversed in 2008, but the mission to bring awareness to sexual assault is still of the utmost importance. Displays like the one today allow students to educate themselves on a topic that is not easy to talk about.
“The number of students who have not had any real exposure or any kind of formal information given to them about sexual assault, it’s very important sometimes this is the first time they’re hearing statistics,” said CLC Social Worker Kellee Rossina. “They’re understanding what some of the behaviors encompass, that are, you know, fall under the umbrella of sexual assault.”
Sexual Assault Services is a nonprofit that hopes to bring hope, healing, and empowerment to those affected by sexual abuse and exploitation. They provide 24-hour sexual assault crisis intervention and support services, among other services, as well as educating people of all ages about sexual assault.
“[We’re] going into schools, talking to kids about what sexual assault is,” said Sexual Assault Services Advocate Jordan Christian. “Teaching boundaries, consent, healthy relationships. I think a lot of people struggle with understanding what is healthy and what isn’t healthy. And a lot of times when you’re assaulted, it is somebody that you know. So just having those firm boundaries can sometimes help prevent it from happening.”
Sexual Assault Services will be hosting an open house on Thursday, April 25 to spread more awareness about sexual assault. The open house will take place from 4-6 p.m. at their building in Brainerd, located at 606 NW 5th Street, Suite B.