Apr 12, 2024 | By: Sammy Holladay
National Library Week Shows How Local Libraries Matter to the Community
This week is National Library Week. The origins of libraries can be traced back five thousand years to the world’s first civilization, Mesopotamia. Reporter Sammy Holladay stopped by the Brainerd Public Library to learn about how libraries have continued to be a pillar of the community since the dawn of civilization.
When most people think of a library, they think about books. But that does not paint the whole picture of what a library provides to a community.
“So beyond the books we have so much more available for people to do lifelong learning of all kinds from babies all the way through retirement,” said Laurel Hall, the Brainerd Public Library branch manager. “We like to be able to offer things like community events and things where people can come in and experience what it is to be in a community and work with other people and learn together.”
Most people think a library is a place where you have to be quiet. There’s people reading. But here at the Brainerd Public Library, there is a much more lively environment.
“It’s a very creative space, and that’s something that’s really unique about this library is we were not one of those quiet libraries,” said Christian Balko, the Brainerd Public Library youth services librarian. “We’re a very lively library with kids running around and kids talking, and we have people who write next to each other on computers, start a conversation, and it’s like, okay, this is where today’s going.”
Most libraries aim to provide a welcoming place where people of all ages and backgrounds can learn and get involved in their community.
“The library is a vital place in the community where everyone can come and everyone is welcome. And there isn’t an expectation of you to have to be able to spend money in order to be there.” Hall continued, “You can just be here and do what you want to do and experience different things and learn different things all for free.”
“Everyone is welcome and that’s truly something I think the staff here appreciate and embed in their daily lives and just having that welcoming face,” Balko said.
And if your local library means a lot to you. Library officials urge community members to let their voices be heard.
“I think it’s really important for people to be able to think about the library as a place in the community that’s important and also have an opportunity to talk to their various city and county representatives and express that importance to themselves,” concluded Hall.
The Brainerd Public Library was established over a century ago in 1904. That is relatively new when compared to the Saint Catherine’s Monastery Library which sits at the foot of Mount Sinai in Egypt, which was built in the sixth century and is still in operation today.