Jun 18, 2020 | By: Brad Hamilton

Minnesota Department of Health Releases June 18th Coronavirus Update

The Minnesota Department of Health released their latest information on the state’s coronavirus situation for today, June 18th:

Deaths: 1,344 (19 confirmed today)

1,064 of the Minnesota residents who died due to the virus lived in long-term/assisted living facilities.

Total positive cases: 31,675 (387 confirmed today)

The gender split has been almost even according to the department’s numbers at 15,268 confirmed positive cases being male and 15,827 cases being confirmed as being female.

The highest number of confirmed cases as far as age come from the 30-39 year-old range with 6,427 cases. There have also been 3,292 health care workers confirmed to have tested positive overall.

Crow Wing County had one positive case confirmed which now leads to 92 overall with 10 deaths reported. In addition, Cass County and Todd County also saw their cases increase by one each today.

Beltrami County has 23 confirmed cases with zero deaths.

Total approximate number of completed tests: 460,879

Yesterday, 12,003 Minnesotans were tested for the virus with 462 positive cases confirmed.

The highest day on record for tests taken came on Tuesday of this week with 19,090 tests. 357 of those tests came back confirming coronavirus.

Total cases requiring hospitalization: 3,718

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