Jun 16, 2024 | By: Lakeland News

Midsommar Celebration Returning to Bemidji’s Library Park

The 48th annual Midsommar Festival in Bemidji is taking place on Sunday.

The festival of light and nature is hosted by the Bemidji American Swedish Institute each year. The event will include live music and dancing, flower crowns, and different Scandinavian foods.

Midsommar marks the return of summer and the longest day of the year. The holiday has Scandinavian origins and is celebrated in Bemidji due to the high number of people with Swedish and Norwegian ancestry.

“Midsommar’s a very old tradition,” said Tammy Nelson, Bemidji American Swedish Institute President. “Several countries celebrate it. It’s especially known in the Scandinavian countries because the daylight lasts so long there.”

She also elaborated on the day’s activities. “We will have the maypole, and the maypole decoration, we’ll have singing and dancing. We’ll have – the band will be Skol Music from Brainerd. We’ll have flower crowns for those who want to make them. Midsommar is traditionally a rural festival, but many cities in Scandinavia are also starting to celebrate it.”

This year’s Midsommar Festival will be celebrated on Sunday, June 16 at 12:30 p.m. at Bemidji’s Library Park. More information on the event can be found on the Bemidji American Swedish Institute’s Facebook page.

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