Sep 20, 2021 | By: Lakeland News

Fosston Pastor Dies From Complications of COVID-19

Some sad news Monday about the Fosston pastor who made statewide headlines about five years ago for an act of kindness.

In 2016, we brought you the story of Paul Magelssen, who took his 11-year-old granddaughter to the Fosston prom. His granddaughter, Lydia Wahlstrom, was battling Batten disease at the time, and doctors felt it might be the last time she could experience prom.

Lydia passed away a little over a year ago at the age of 16. And now, Pastor Paul Magelssen has also died.

According to his CaringBridge site, he was admitted with COVID-19 to the ICU at the Mayo Clinic on August 18 due to a lack of beds elsewhere. Pastor Magelssen remained hospitalized for the past month and was intubated for portions of that time. Today, the family announced that Magelssen had died from complications of the disease.

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