Oct 23, 2022 | By: Hanky Hazelton

Brainerd Curling Club Teaches Public About the Sport’s Ins-and-Outs

With winter weather approaching us quickly, the sport of curling is back. The Brainerd Lakes Curling Club is entering their 16th season and wanted to give people an idea of how the sport is played. They held an open house earlier this month for anyone interested in picking it up.

For those undecided or want to know more about the sport of curling before committing to a league, the Brainerd Lakes Curling Club holds classes with experienced instructors to explain things thoroughly.

Curling is made up of two teams with four people on each. They throw rocks down a sheet of ice while sweeping them along as they go. From the beginning to the end, there are 16 rocks thrown in total.

If it’s your first time or if it’s been a while, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help, because the club is there to assist players. Anyone looking to continue curling and take it up a notch, the club has an option for that as well.

For those thinking you have to be a professional, the Brainerd Lakes Curling Club wants to represent a more social aspect, rather than a competitive atmosphere.

More information on the club and a schedule of upcoming events can be found on their website.

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