Apr 5, 2018 | By: Shirelle Moore

Bemidji Community Theater Presents “The Elves & The Shoemaker”

The Bemidji Community Theater has been working on their production of “The Elves And The Shoemaker” since January, and this weekend, they’ll finally get to show off their hard work.

There are 39 people in the cast, and most of them are kids under 18. All the actors also helped design the hand-painted set.

There will be performances this weekend from Friday to Saturday, as well as next weekend with a few special matinee shows in between for schools. Tickets can be purchased at the box office or at Ken K. Thompson Jewelry.

Gabriel Anderson, who plays Lockhart Cobblestone in the production, says, “I hope that the energy builds up into the audience. That they can put themselves into it and, I guess, relate as the show is going.”

Faith Mcintyre, who plays Mathilda Cobblestone, adds, “I also hope it influences them a little bit. Just the story of how the shoemaker and his wife gave up their last little bit to help someone in need and showing how when you bless someone else, blessings come around.”

The theater is also giving a special treat to the kids who attend the shows: every kid in the audience will walk away with a free book.

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