Jul 11, 2018 | By: Rachel Johnson
American Red Cross Issues Urgent Call For Blood Donors
The American Red Cross escalated its call for blood donors after the previous holiday week prompted much fewer people to donate blood. Eligible donors of all types are needed, but especially those with type-O blood.
More than 550 fewer blood drives were organized last week than during a typical week. This could equate to as many as 15,000 fewer donations than needed, causing donations to be used faster than they come in.
“It’s the gift of life. It’s perhaps the number one gift of life that you can give, that we all have, said Sharon Rosburg, the Coordinator for the Red Cross Blood Drive at Immaculate Heart Church in Crosslake. “Even though for some people it’s not so easy to, you know, different deferral kind of issues, but for those who can, it’s wonderful that they give that gift of life.”
The Immaculate Heart Catholic Church in Crosslake hosted their blood drive at just the right time.
“We’ve been doing a blood drive here the Wednesday after the Fourth of July for many, many years,” Rosburg added.
The Red Cross makes it easy to donate blood. You can schedule an appointment ahead of time by using their free Red Cross Blood Donor app or by visiting RedCrossBlood.org.
“You know, I just give blood usually about four times a year. I started when my parents kind of instilled into me to save lives and help people out,” explained Dawn Maucieri, who was there giving blood.
The blood donation process takes about an hour from the time you arrive to the time you leave. The donation itself takes about eight to ten minutes.
“I just was talking and they said four percent of people give blood. I’m like, that is just crazy to me. I just think it’s something everybody that is able to should do to help people,” added Maucieri.
Upcoming blood drives are being held in Pequot Lakes on July 13 at The Pequot Lakes High School and in Brainerd on July 27 at the First Lutheran Church. To find upcoming blood drives near you, visit https://www.redcross.org/give-blood.