Mar 19, 2023 | By: Justin Othoudt

Warroad’s Seven Clans Casino Opens New Expansion to Public

Luck may have been a lady this St. Patrick’s Day, as the doors officially opened to the public for a 9,000-square-foot expansion to Warroad’s Seven Clans Casino.

“We expanded our gaming floor,” said Seven Clans Casino Warroad General Manager Mike Pankow. “We added an additional 100 slot machines on our gaming floor.”

This expansion saw the addition of a brand new sports bar called “Pucks and Pints,” which has hockey memorabilia as well as bar top slot machines.

“We wanted to cater to the interests in our area and we wanted to involve the community in our new restaurant,” explained Red Lake Gaming Enterprises CEO Angela Dauphinais. “So we decided to add hockey as our major theme of our new sports bar.”

Hopefully after its nine-month building development, the new expansion will prove to be a spot of luck for the casino.

“We couldn’t be more excited to open our new expansion,” said Dauphinais. “It’s been a long nine months, but we are just are so excited to be out of construction mode, and we are excited to kick off the spring and summer with our new expansion.”

The expansion’s opening also saw local hockey legend Henry Boucha join in the celebration offering signed autographs and greeting guests.

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