Feb 17, 2024 | By: Sammy Holladay

‘Turn in Poachers’ Group Hosting Garage Sale in Brainerd to Raise Funds

Turn in Poachers is a nonprofit organization that partners with the Minnesota DNR Enforcement Division. Citizens can report poaching problems and other natural resource violations through TIP, and this weekend, the organization will have a garage sale to raise funds at their office in Brainerd.

This weekend, thanks to members of the community donating items, TIP will be having a garage sale to raise funds. The items being sold range from glassware and kitchen items to children’s toys and holiday decorations.

Funds being raised via the garage sale for TIP will go towards educating the public on the harm poaching brings.

TIP also works in tandem with the Minnesota DNR to help stop illegal activity in nature, and last year, over 2,000 calls were made to TIP. According to the DNR Division of Enforcement, 195 arrests were made statewide due to illegal recreational activity, and 88 of those arrests involved deer.

TIP does not receive any money from the state or the DNR. The money they raise is not only used for awareness but for rewards.

Hours for the garage sale will be between 8 AM to 5 PM on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. To learn more about Turn in Poachers and how you can report a violation, you can visit their website here.

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