Aug 24, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Starry Stonewort Confirmed in Long Lake Near Park Rapids

Size comparison of starry stonewort bulbil next to one-cent piece (Credit: DNR)

The invasive algae starry stonewort has been located in another area lake.

An aquatic vegetation survey company hired by the Long Lake Association discovered starry stonewort in Long Lake near Park Rapids. A Minnesota DNR invasive species specialist confirmed its presence.

Starry stonewort can form dense mats, which can interfere with recreational uses of a lake and compete with native plants. Available treatment options could include hand pulling, herbicide applications, or other methods as appropriate.

Starry stonewort has never been eradicated from any US lake or river, but treatment or careful removal can help reduce the risk of it spreading. Early detection is key to effective management.

Starry stonewort has now been confirmed in 26 water bodies in Minnesota. It was first confirmed in the state in 2015.

More information on how to identify starry stonewort can be found on the DNR website.

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