Aug 6, 2019 | By: Dennis Weimann

Pierz Schools Superintendent Charged With DWI

George Weber

Pierz Schools Superintendent George Weber is charged with two counts of 3rd degree DWI after he was stopped while driving the wrong direction on Highway 371 in Fort Ripley Township on August 5, 2019.

Weber was charged in Morrison County Court on Monday after being arrested around 12:15 a.m. earlier that day.

According to the statement of probable cause, a Morrison County deputy stopped Weber’s vehicle after locating it going south in the northbound lane of Highway 371.

The deputy reported Weber showed signs of alcohol impairment and that Weber admitted to drinking beer that evening.

After Weber performed poorly on several field sobriety tests, a portable breath test showed Weber’s blood alcohol concentration at 0.203. Weber was placed under arrest and a breath test taken later at the Morrison County Jail at 2:11 a.m. showed an alcohol concentration of 0.18. That is more than two times the legal limit in Minnesota of 0.08.

A phone message left on Weber’s school district phone was not returned.

Pierz School Board President Rick Sczublewski said the school board is still gathering facts regarding the situation. Sczublewski said the board has a previously scheduled meeting planned for tomorrow and Weber’s arrest will likely be discussed at that time.

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