Aug 9, 2023 | By: Mary Balstad

Northwoods Experience: Beltrami Co. Fair Returns with Summer Favorites

The Beltrami County Fair has returned once again and is bringing back classic community events. But the behind-the-scenes work of volunteers is what brings the show together for five days of fair fun.

From the barns to the grandstand and everything in between, the Beltrami County Fair is here once again.

“This is the exciting week. This is what we planned for all year,” said Beltrami County Fair Heritage Square Superintendent Beryl Wernberg. “We just really love putting on the fair. It’s a fun thing.”

“We’re so excited, we ready. We’re probably as ready as we’ve ever been,” said Beltrami County Fair Board President Vern Holzhueter. “I think one place that we’re really doing well in is the heart and soul that we have at our fair, and people just enjoy it so much.”

The fair will take place from Wednesday, August 9th to Sunday, August 13th. And before closing its gates for the year, there will be plenty of fun, fried food, and events at the Grandstand to enjoy.

This year’s Grandstand events include Wojo’s Rodeo, Baja racing, and the Waddington Brothers band. There are also kid-friendly events at Heritage Square and safety demonstrations. Of course, one constant that appears year after year is the variety of animals that open exhibitors and 4-H members alike showcase to the public.

Along with the fun in the foreground, there is plenty behind-the-scenes work that the volunteers and fair board make sure happens.

“We would not be able to do this without our volunteers. There is just no way,” said Wernberg. “So we are very blessed to have very dedicated people that come back every year.”

The fair will open at noon on Wednesday and close at 5 p.m. on Sunday. Information on all the events can be found at the Beltrami County Fair’s website.

Lakeland PBS will also have a booth at the Commercial Building and will feature an appearance from Dennis Weimann on Friday.

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