Sep 9, 2021 | By: BJ Walters

Nancy Erickson Resigns From Bemidji City Council

Five-term Bemidji councilwoman Nancy Erickson submitted her resignation Wednesday.

Erickson, who represented Ward 5, says that the 4-to-3 vote on Tuesday night to terminate the Sanford Center’s relationship with VenuWorks moved quicker than anticipated. By law, however, that vote is allowed.

But Erickson says that her resignation was not a snap decision. She tells Lakeland News that she feels that the council has worked and continues to work in good faith but that the time has come for someone else to serve in her seat.

Erickson says the biggest accomplishment in her time on the council was the growth of the city, which was made possible by the teamwork of the entire group. She wishes to thank those who have supported her during her time serving.

It is expected that at the meeting of the city council on September 20, the council will pass a resolution declaring the vacancy, as her resignation is effective immediately. There will be a special election to fill the seat, but due to new state laws, that election cannot take place until February.

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