Dec 21, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Names of Pilot, Passenger on Plane That Went Through Upper Red Lake Ice Released

Credit: Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office

The Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office has released the name of a pilot and passenger of a small plane that went through the ice after landing on Upper Red Lake Tuesday morning.

The pilot is identified as 72-year-old Lawrence Daigle of Cohasset, and the passenger was 63-year-old Karl Uhlenhopp of Aplington, Iowa. Neither was injured in the incident.

Authorities say the plane had difficulty slowing down after landing due to the absence of snow. It slide into the thin ice area where the nose broke through an estimated one to two inches of ice.

The two flew onto the lake for a day of ice fishing. Diagle is responsible for removing the plane from the ice, and Beltrami County Sheriff Jason Riggs said Diagle has made contact with a recovery operation to extricate the plane. He must notify Beltrami County when that is complete.

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