Sep 1, 2023 | By: Lakeland News
MN Dept. of Health Officials Link Morrison Co. Farm to 8 Cases of E. Coli Illness
State officials have linked a Morrison County farm to eight cases of E. coli illness. Healthy Harvest Farm & Kitchen, located in Hillman, is linked to the outbreak through their raw milk.
The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) urges anyone who may have recently purchased milk from the farm to discard the product and not consume it. The product may be labeled A-2, and MDH says consumers may not be aware it has not been pasteurized.
The illness confirmed in eight cases is caused by a parasite commonly found in cattle.
All of the people who became ill with gastrointestinal symptoms in early August reported consuming the raw milk prior to the onset of their illness. Four of the cases were in children under 10, and one has been hospitalized.
MDH is working to identify all people who may have purchased milk from Healthy Harvest Farm & Kitchen. This is to inform the people of the risk and prevent further illness.