Feb 16, 2024 | By: Miles Walker
Mild Winter Netting Mixed Results in Crow Wing County
We are experiencing one of the mildest Minnesota winters in years. While many longtime residents are welcoming the lack of negative-degree weather and snowstorms, businesses that depend on winter-related activities are experiencing growing pains. On the other hand, others have reaped the benefits from the rare season.
For the Crow Wing County Highway Department, the lack of heavy snowfall has allowed its staff to devote resources to matters other than snowplowing. Other ways of ensuring road safety, like clearing and cleaning up branches and trees, have become the main focal points, given the circumstances.
County and state maintenance work aren’t the only areas capitalizing from the clear roads, as Brainerd High School hasn’t yet had a snow day this year. However, the lack of the white stuff has created other obstacles, with teams that rely on good snow like alpine and nordic skiing being affected.
And schools aren’t the only entities navigating winter activity drawbacks. Many resorts that offer skiing, snowmobiles, and more have also needed to adjust. However, Breezy Point Resort owner Bob Spizzo says he hasn’t seen any drop off in revenue as the lack of inclement weather has opened the doors for other events like conventions and weddings.
Although the temperature has dipped over the past few days, snow isn’t expected over the next 10 days in Crow Wing County.