Oct 4, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson
Merrifield Father, Son Farmers Recognized For Water Quality Efforts
Two farmers, a father and son from Merrifield, have recently been recognized for their water quality efforts. The Wentworth farming operation has earned the status of Minnesota Water Quality Certified Farm.
According to a release, Steve Wentworth, Sr. and his son Steve Wentworth, Jr. received this recognition for their farm’s lengthy history of protecting natural resources, including protection of nearby lakes.
The Wentworth operation joins over 780 farming operations that are Water Quality Certified in Minnesota’s five-year-old program that recognizes farmers’ efforts to protect the state’s water quality. The Wentworths have implemented a system of several conservation practices including conservation tillage and no-till farming, cover crops, best management practices for fertilizer application, and controlling runoff water.
Farm operators and owners throughout Minnesota are eligible to be involved in the Minnesota Ag Water Quality Certification Program. “This program is an excellent way for farmers to tell the story of the good things they are doing to protect water quality, as well as explore use of new conservation
practices”, said Jim Lahn, the program’s Area Certification Specialist, who works with the program in 11 counties in north central Minnesota. Producers interested in learning more can contact their local Soil & Water Conservation District office.