Jun 26, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Let’s Go Fishing Program Gets Seniors Out On The Water

Fishing and boating is a common past-time that some Minnesotans take for granted, but the Let’s Go Fishing group is returning that outdoor experience to seniors. What started as a small program in 2004 has grown to provide free fishing and boating excursions for over 400 seniors each year.

Volunteers help seniors catch a variety of fish like walleye and perch, and each outing usually lasts two to four hours. Some seniors went for the fishing, while others just wanted to enjoy some fresh air on the lake.

Let’s Go Fishing board member Daniel Posner said, “Until you see that smile, until you know that you are truly affecting their lives and you’re making it better. You can’t explain it. It’s just a wonderful feeling.” So whether it’s fishing of just a pontoon ride around the lake, these seniors are hooked.

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