Nov 8, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

In Focus: Bud Burger Brings Bronze to Deer Opener

Most people celebrate the start of deer season by heading to the woods, but artist Bud Burger has a different idea. The Bemidji-based sculptor creates life-size monuments of Minnesota wild life, and was asked to bring some of his works to the Governor’s Deer Opener this year. Like Minnesota’s time-honored hunting tradition, Burger’s sculpting is an over 20 year past time, and he created an elk, some grouse, and of course a white tail deer for this year’s event. Seeing the life-size sculptures, it’s hard to believe that they started as small models, but Burger says it’s actually the small details that make the pieces so life-like. Burger takes things to another level by studying the animal’s muscle groups and adding shading to the already 3-dimensional piece. With his art for the deer opener, Burger hopes to prove that there’s more to hunting than just the thrill of the kill. And by preserving these animals in bronze, they will be around for a long time.

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