Mar 25, 2020 | By: Brad Hamilton

Hackensack Co-Op Temporarily Closed Due To Coronavirus

The Board of Directors of the Countryside Food Co-op in Hackensack decided on Monday to temporarily cease all operations for an indefinite period in response to the diagnosed community spread of COVID-19 in Cass County.

“We are very concerned for the health and welfare of our volunteers,” said Bob Hankey, President, “most of whom fall within the ‘most vulnerable’ age group
identified by the CDC.”

“It was a difficult decision as the Co-op provides food in the local community, but we believe it is the right one and we will reopen just as soon as we can determine it is safe to do so,” he continued.

Perishable food in the store will be donated to local food shelves and non-perishable food will be safely stored. The Co-op does not sell any personal paper products or sanitizing gel.

The notice of the co-op’s temporary closure went up on their Facebook page and website on Monday, March 23rd. Updates to this closure will be posted there as well.

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