Apr 21, 2023 | By: Justin Othoudt

Final Preparations Being Made for GigaZone Gaming Championship and TechXpo

Paul Bunyan Communications is putting the finishing touches on their GigaZone Gaming Championship and TechXpo, a free event that will feature a variety of free gaming tournaments, exhibits from tech entrepreneurs, and a guest appearance from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

This will be the 6th gaming event Paul Bunyan Communications has held as well as their first in-person event since 2019. The “TechXpo” portion of the event will feature over 30 exhibitors showcasing all forms of technology, as well as possible job opportunities for those wishing to break into the technology industry.

“We’re fired up, you know, this is a big event for our region, it’s one-of-a-kind, there’s nothing like it in the country,” said Paul Bunyan Communications Marketing Supervisor Brian Bissonette. “We really wanna connect people, the gamers with other gamers, the students and people maybe looking for a different career or a new career or a job with those who have jobs in technology available, and to schools that have programs that utilize technology.”

The Sanford Center’s doors will open for the event at 10 a.m. on Saturday, April 22nd, with festivities taking place throughout the day.

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