Sep 28, 2020 | By: Lakeland News

DNR Planning Virtual Open Houses on Wolf Management Plan

The first Minnesota Department of Natural Resources wolf plan virtual open house is tomorrow, and it’s focusing on the Northwest region of the state.

The meeting is one of three open houses scheduled for the next couple of weeks. The open houses offer opportunities for people to hear about wolves in Minnesota and share their thoughts as the DNR updates the state’s 20-year-old wolf management plan. They will also include informational presentations from the DNR and allow real-time public input and Q&A.

Each open house takes place from 6 to 8 PM and will focus on a particular geographic area:

  • Northwest region – Tuesday, September 29th
  • Central and Southern region, including Twin Cities metro area – Tuesday, October 6th
  • Northeast region – Thursday, October 8th

Attendees must register for the open houses on the DNR website and are encouraged to submit questions in advance on their registration form.

Members of the public will also be able to share their thoughts about wolf management by commenting on the DNR website from Tuesday, September 29th through Sunday, November 1st. Later in the process, the public will have an opportunity to comment on draft updates to the state’s wolf management plan.

The DNR anticipates releasing the draft plan for comment later this year.

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