Aug 20, 2021 | By: Lakeland News
Crow Wing County Viking Festival to Take Place Saturday
The second Crow Wing County Viking Festival is set to take place this Saturday, August 21.
After the initial festival was held in Nisswa in 2019, this year it will be held at the Crow Wing County Fairgrounds. The event was not held last year due to COVID-19 concerns.
“We’re going to have Icelandic sheep and Fjord horses here,” said festival coordinator Julie Guth. “We have a lot of reenactors who are in period costume and who are demonstrating crafts from the era.”
“You can wear a costume or not, just come, bring the kids,” said festival volunteer Dan Hegstad. “You’ll see lots of food, you’ll see lots of crafts, you’ll see blacksmithing like a viking encampment. If these vikings were traveling and stopped for a few days, that is what you’re coming into, an authentic viking encampment.”
The festival starts at 10 AM and runs until 4:30 PM.
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