Dec 5, 2023 | By: Miles Walker

Crow Wing Co. Exploring Alternatives to Rumble Strips on CR 30/Hwy 6 Following Complaint

The Crow Wing County Highway Department is exploring alternative traffic control options at the intersection of County Road 30 & Highway 6 near Crosby after newly installed rumble strips created noise complaints from homeowners.

The rumble strips were added into the roadwork two week ago after a nearly fatal car crash took place at the intersection in October.

One person that can hear the rumble strips is Crow Wing County resident Troy DeKeyser, who said the quiet time nearby residents expect in their own homes now ends around four in the morning. This prompted him to both collect signatures from neighbors asking for improvements and formally request a change during last week’s County Board meeting.

The Minnesota Department of Transportation will be at the intersection in question on Tuesday filling the rumble strips. However, talks are still ongoing for more permanent traffic control options as the county searches for a solution to both accommodate residents and best ensure road safety.

County engineer Timothy Bray is expected to return to the County board with additional information and cost estimates for alternative options.

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