Sep 22, 2022 | By: Hanky Hazelton
CLC Holds Student Success Day to Have Fun, Build Student Relationships
Central Lakes College recognizes its students each year with a day set aside to support academic and personal success. On Student Success Day, they’re given the day off from classes to enjoy food and participate in the many activities provided for them on campus.
A student’s time in college can be overwhelming with the number of tests, quizzes, and studying needed to pass their major. CLC acknowledges this and wants to celebrate each person by having a student success day.
Although the day was about having fun, students sat in to listen and hear a great message from award-winning author and motivational speaker Kelly Radi. One thing CLC says they value most is building a culture of caring and building student success around student relationships.
Central Lakes College hopes to continue inspiring and helping students with career options, networking, and personal success, not only at the college but throughout their future.