Apr 17, 2024 | By: Miles Walker
Central Lakes College Shows Support for National Guard and Reserve
Central Lakes College showed its support for the military last week, where they signed a Statement of Support through the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, or ESGR.
The Statement of Support program is the cornerstone of ESGR’s effort to gain and maintain employer support for the National Guard and Reserve. The intent of the program is to encourage employers to act as advocates for employee participation in the military.
The ESGR hopes more organizations like CLC follow its example.
“Places like CLC coming out and saying, ‘Hey, we’re gonna sign a Statement of Support, or becoming a Beyond the Yellow Ribbon corporation or company.’ They’re telling not only their faculty and their employees here that we support you and let everyone know, whether it’s a supervisor who may not understand the Guard and Reserve, ‘Hey, we as an institution support [it],’ but they’re also setting a community standard,” said Chad Sackett, a retired Army Colonel and the Minnesota ESGR Charmain.
The ESGR has served the U.S. since 1972, and roughly 38% of the Department of Defense resides in the Guard and Reserve.