Aug 15, 2020 | By: Destiny Wiggins
Census Takers Now Visiting Homes of Those Who Haven’t Yet Responded to 2020 Census
If you have not completed the 2020 Census on your own, census takers will now be visiting homes to collect your information.
The importance of the 2020 Census is to make sure that each community receives a fair representation in Congress and the state legislature and its share of federal funds that is distributed to state and local communities.
The majority of households have responded, but about one out of four homes will need census taker visits. Census takers will be wearing a valid government ID badge with their photograph, a U.S. Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date on the badge. Census takers will also have official U.S. Census Bureau phones.
Census workers will make up to six attempts when visiting as well as leaving a notification of the attempt on the door. Census workers may also contact you by phone. To confirm a census taker’s identity, the public in Minnesota may contact the Chicago Region Census Center at 312-579-1500.
You also still have time to complete the census online.