Jan 31, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Brainerd Considering Allowing Alcohol at City Park Events

The Brainerd Park Board is asking for the city’s policy on not allowing alcohol consumption in city parks to be changed.

When the Park Board drafted up new procedures for the bandshell by the new Mississippi Landing Trailhead Park, they realized alcohol would not be allowed. It has now been brought up to the Brainerd City Council in hopes of having that rule changed and letting the public consume alcohol during events.

“The city council has directed staff to review the current ordinance, and we will be making changes to it, because as it turned out when we reviewed the current ordinance, beer and alcohol are not allowed in any city park unless it’s a very limited reason, for like a professional team,” said Brainerd City Councilor Gabe Johnson. “So it stands right now, softball players who bring a case of beer to their softball are outside of the law in the city of Brainerd, so we’re at least going to adjust that.”

The next city council meeting will be held the first Monday in February. Johnson says there have been no promises made on when or if this will be resolved in the coming months ahead.

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