Jan 9, 2024 | By: Lakeland News
Beltrami County to Lift Vehicle Restrictions on Upper Red Lake

Credit: Beltrami County Sheriff’s Office
Vehicles will be allowed back on Upper Red Lake beginning tomorrow.
Beltrami County Sheriff Jason Riggs is lifting the order restricting vehicle access on Upper Red Lake at sunrise on Wednesday. Riggs says colder weather and calmer winds have allowed ice conditions to improve.
The vehicle restrictions that went into effect on Dec. 30 were primarily put in place due to moving ice that would separate from the ice connected to shore, requiring a need to rescue stranded fishermen.
A team that included Riggs and deputies, resort operations, Kelliher Fire & Rescue, Red Lake Nation, and DNR conservation officers have been monitoring ice conditions on the lake. Aerial observations have now shown Upper Red Lake to have iced over.
The ice that was shifting causing the open water has locked up, leaving little room for the ice to now shift. The ice assessment team used those aerial observations, ground observations, measurements of the ice, and input from guides and resort operations to make the decision to reopen Upper Red Lake for vehicle traffic.
Officials say the ice is now more seasonable and in line with what is typically experienced in mid-December. But they point out that the lifting of this restriction does not mean that ice on Upper Red Lake, or any area lake, is “safe” or has consistent thickness and integrity. They say ice can never be considered 100% safe.