Aug 3, 2023 | By: Lakeland News

Beltrami Co. Board to Hold Special Session on Jail Project Property Negotiations

The Beltrami County Board of Commissioners will hold a special session on Monday, August 7 to discuss property negotiations for the new county jail project.

The county had to go back to the drawing board after withdrawing their initial purchase offer for the Wiebolt Property southwest of Bemidji. A release from the county said they withdrew the agreement after the Greater Bemidji Area Joint Planning Board imposed a moratorium on jail construction on all residentially zoned areas. Public feedback and input were also cited as deciding factors in pulling the proposal.

At Tuesday’s board meeting, commissioners made progress on the jail project by approving a resolution and ballot language for a local option sales tax. The tax would be a way of funding the $80 million project.

Citizens will now vote in November on whether to establish a five-eighths of one percent sales tax. If passed, the tax would remain in effect for the next 30 years, or until bonds are retired. But if the resolution is not approved, the majority of the costs would be financed through increased property taxes for 30 years, or until bonds are retired.

The special meeting will be held in the County Board Room at 9 a.m. Except for a closed session on property negotiations, the meeting will be open to the public. The meeting can also be watched on Beltrami County’s YouTube channel via live stream.

A public comment session will be held later at the August 15 board meeting for the new jail site.

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