Jun 26, 2020 | By: Chantelle Calhoun
Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center Holds Garden Dedication to Bring Awareness
Volunteers at the Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center in Brainerd held a garden dedication this week to remind the community of their continued efforts to provide services to children.
The Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center and the Alex & Brandon Child Safety Center came together this week with county officials and service members to honor the continual work these organizations do to provide family services to the community.
The Zonta Club of Brainerd is a community service organization that supports women and girls. The organization has worked at the Alex and Brandon House to create a beautiful garden that still is cared for to this day.
The garden dedication serves as a reminder that lives continue to be saved from domestic violence and child abuse situations. The mother of Alex and Brandon, Angie Plantenberg, was also in attendance to show her support.
The Mid-Minnesota Women’s Center is planning to host a virtual fishing tournament in July to continue to spread awareness.