Mar 18, 2020 | By: Chantelle Calhoun

Wadena County Sheriff’s Office Responds To COVID-19 Pandemic

The Wadena County Sheriff’s Office is taking proactive steps to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by closing visitation for inmates, suspending fingerprint identification methods, and suspending work release programs.

According to a report from the Wadena County Sheriff’s Office, the jail and public lobby are closed to visitors, includes both professional and private visitations. Currently, steps are being taken to enable off-site video visitation for inmates and their families.

Jail programs are also suspended including the “Sentenced to Serve” and work release program that is provided to allow inmates to leave the jail to continue normal employment.

Public fingerprinting is also suspended, and permits to acquire and carry handguns will still be accepted via US mail and processed accordingly. The sheriff’s office is asking anyone that has questions about documentation and fees to call 218-632-6059 or 218-632-6063.

The suspensions will remain in effect until Monday, April 6th, and nonessential visits to all county buildings is strongly discouraged. The sheriff’s office is asking citizens to go through telephone, email, US mail, and online services at

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