Oct 1, 2014 | By: Lakeland PBS

Students Join Discussion About Improving Graduation Rates

Graduation is a right of passage for most people, but 20% of students won’t receive their diploma this May. That’s why community leaders held a meeting of the minds in Bemidji today to talk about what’s going wrong before graduation. Educators, parents, and business leaders got the chance to go straight to the source and ask students to share their thoughts. Personal stories were shared, but more work still needs to be done. Today’s discussion wasn’t just about pointing out what’s wrong with the education system, tt was about analyzing the situation to make it better so that 100% of students graduate. Educators discussed possible solutions like positive peer influences and more one-on-one teacher interaction. But it will take more than just discussion to turn the 100% graduation goal into a reality, that’s why these leaders are planning another meeting on April 1st.

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