Sep 19, 2019 | By: Malaak Khattab

Students For The Environment At BSU Taking Part In Global Climate Strike

Students for the Environment at Bemidji State University is planning a peaceful march this Friday to urge students and community members to protest against inaction on climate change.

The Global Climate Strike will take place at noon in front of the Hobson Memorial Union and will end at the Paul and Babe statues. BSU’s Students for the Environment are joining forces with the Bemidji Citizen’s Climate Lobby to show solidarity and to demand climate justice. Afterwards, protestors will meet with members of the city council to discuss climate change.

“It’s really, really important to say that we care and to show that we care, because I can recycle and you can recycle and I can compost. But that last little bit will not make the difference that we need to make at this point. We need our corporations and our businesses and our leaders to listen to us. And the only way that they’ll listen to us is if we make ourselves heard,” said Anna Haynes, a Student for the Environment member.

The Global Climate Strike is a coordinated strike that is expected to take place around the world to protest government and business inaction on climate change. The strike comes just days before the United Nation’s Climate Action Summit. More information on the BSU strike can be found here.

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