Jul 19, 2023 | By: Lakeland News
Sexual Abuse Victim of Ex-Bagley Resource Officer Sues School, Clearwater Co. Sheriff’s Office
A former Bagley student and sexual assault victim of ex-Bagley school resource officer Neil Dolan has filed a lawsuit against the school and the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office.
Dolan was working for the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office when he sexually abused Lincoln Singh at the school when Singh was a 13-year-old seventh grader. Dolan pled guilty to sexually abusing Singh and two other Bagley students in his office between 2016 and 2019 and was sentenced to 30 years in prison for his crimes.
On Tuesday, the law firm Jeff Anderson & Associates announced it has filed a lawsuit against the Bagley School District and the Clearwater County Sheriff’s Office on Lincoln’s behalf. In a press release, the law firm states that both the school district and the sheriff’s department missed red flags along the way and allowed Dolan to keep his position as student resource officer, where he continued to use his positions to sexually abuse students for years.
In April, Lakeland News aired an exclusive interview with Lincoln Singh and his father Matt. Lincoln shared his story with us in hopes of helping other sexual abuse survivors.