Dec 12, 2022 | By: Mary Balstad

Sanford Health Opens Vivaz Medical Spa in Bemidji

With the holiday season upon us, the stress that comes with it can cause unintended effects to the body’s largest organ: the skin.

Sanford Health is looking at one way of helping to fight those effects with its latest addition to the Bemidji community. Vivaz Medial Spa opened its doors last week to introduce different skin care treatments and fill a service gap identified by Sanford in the Bemidji area.

Opening just in time for the holidays, Vivaz Medical Spa focuses on different skin care treatments, from facials to laser treatments. However, the services at the medical spa are not covered by insurance as they are not fully medical.

Depending on the service, an appointment can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. While cosmetic procedures are commonly associated with the aesthetic look, a trip to the medical spa can be more than just skin deep. Those who went through traumatic experiences, such as chemotherapy or radiation, can find a different form of healing at one of these spas.

Along with learning what Vivaz offers, attendees of the open house also witnessed the new addition to Sanford be inducted as a member to the Bemidji Area Chamber of Commerce.

Being welcomed to the Bemidji community, Vivaz will look to provide services closer to home for those interested. With the patient base expanding, as people from college-aged to an older demographic are looking into these treatment options, Sanford Health is confident in their latest endeavor.

Vivaz will be open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Referrals are not needed for an appointment.

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