Mar 26, 2018 | By: AJ Feldman

Protestors Call For Change At Brainerd March For Our Lives

Hundreds marched through downtown Brainerd on Saturday in the Brainerd March For Our Lives. The movement is being led by the youth, but supported by all ages, and is fighting for one cause.

“We should not be afraid to go to school,” says Emma Finken, a Brainerd High School student. “Students and teachers should not have to worry about what someone can cause violence with. [We’re] standing up for what we believe in.”

“The fact that students are in school and it’s no longer a safe place, there’s shootings all the time, it’s unacceptable,” says Thea Fisher, a Brainerd High School senior. “Something needs to change.”

“The youth are stepping up and the rest of us are there to support them,” says U.S. Congressman Rick Nolan. “They’re really making a difference. There are millions and millions of people stepping up and protesting.”

As people march throughout the country, the Brainerd community is showing that it’s affecting people locally.

“People are coming from 20 miles away, 30 miles away, just to be involved in the community,” says Alex Hering, who was at the event. “I think it’s great that we have one that’s close by that people can come and be centered with.”

“It shows the wide range of support,” says Holly Rose McKnight, who helped organize the march. “It’s not just big cities, it’s not just college towns, it’s every town. I think that’s great.”

Protestors carried signs with different messages with different phrases but with the same meaning: “This has gone on for too long for nothing to be done.”

“This has happened too much for there not to be change when there’s change right away when there’s other tragedies,” says Lizzy Rider, a Brainerd High School student. “It’s what we need. We need change because it’s not working how it’s going right now.”

“I had a teacher who recently told me that she believes that the change that’s going to happen is going to occur when our generation reaches a point where we can actually be doing the change,” says Fisher. “My hope is that something happens before then, which is why we’re marching.”

You can watch more of the march including words from each of the day’s speakers below.

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