Jun 22, 2017 | By: Haydee Clotter

Old Fire Number Signs Are A Thing Of The Past

Obsolete fire number signs are no longer being used by emergency personnel and can be problematic for highway maintenance crews performing maintenance work in county road right of ways (ROW).

Old Fire Sign

Crow Wing County emergency services has used blue address signs with white letters and will continue to use them when responding to emergencies. Most of these signs are installed at the back of the ROW so maintenance crews can work more efficiently and also provide consistency of sign location for emergency responders.

Blue Address Sign

The county asks that you cut back any brush and remove objects that obstruct the view of the blue signs. New or replacements for damaged signs are available by contacting Crow Wing County Land Services at 218-824-1127 or visit their website at www.crowwing.us.

If you have an old obsolete fire number sign, the county highway department encourages you to remove the sign and post from the ROW.

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