Jun 24, 2019 | By: Chaz Mootz
Longbranch Bar & Grill Still Open During Highway 210 Construction
Highway 210 going from Brainerd to Ironton will officially be closed off due to construction starting July 8. However, the new owners of Longbranch Bar & Grill, Matt and Lindsay Wedde, want to make sure their customers know that they will still be open for business.
“We’ll probably do some drink specials and appetizer specials for construction special just to let people know that we’re still open,” said Lindsay Wedde.
The tentative plan is for a gravel road to still extend to Longbranch, and there are some positives to the road construction.
“From what we’ve heard they are going to improve the turn lanes so people will be able to pull in here a lot easier and not have to worry about getting rear-ended out in the highway here because it’s so busy, so that’ll be a big positive for us,” said Matt Wedde.
Construction on Highway 210 is expected to be closed until sometime in October.