Mar 24, 2020 | By: Chaz Mootz

Little Falls Baseball Still Preparing For Season

One high school spring team that surprised some people last year was the Little Falls baseball team. The Flyers got hot in the postseason in 2019 and made an appearance in the state tournament. This year, Little Falls is just hoping to even have a season, but in the meantime, they’re trying to stay prepared for whenever their season may start back up.

The Flyers concluded last year with a 13-11 record and posted three straight upset wins in the Section 8AAA playoffs including a 3-2 win over Bemidji in the section final. Minnesota high school baseball teams are used to delays and cancellations due to weather, but this is not a typical situation for everyone involved, and the Flyers are doing all they can to stay sharp both physically and mentally.

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