Sep 9, 2019 | By: Rachel Johnson

In Business: Sonnenblume Flower Farm Creates Unique, Local Flower Arrangements

Since she was a little girl, Mary Schaefbauer has always loved flowers and gardening.

“I’d always been interested in farming and I’d always been interested in floral design, and business too, so it just kind of worked out,” said Schaefbauer. “It’s the perfect blend of all of those things.”

Around four years ago, while still in high school, Schaefbauer turned that passion into a business by officially launching Sonnenblume Flower Farm and Design.

“I realized that it was something I could do and I just kind of started doing it, and here we are,” said Schaefbauer.

Schaefbauer named her business “Sonnenblume,” which is German for her favorite flower, the sunflower.

“It’s a lot of work, especially in the spring when I’m getting ready for finals, but I’m also trying to plant everything and get the garden ready to go,” explained Schaefbauer. “It’s tough but I got it.”

Schaefbauer grows all local and native flowers. She uses all organic and local products to create arrangements for weddings, events, businesses, and private homes.

“It’s all organic. It’s all chemical-free. I really like to have a lot of variety. Flowers that are grown fresh and picked fresh and aren’t shipped in from elsewhere are just so much better quality,” Schaefbauer added.

It is important to Mary that people know where the flowers come from, and she is excited that more light is being shed on the home-grown flower movement.

“The local aspect is really important to me and the organic aspect is really important to me too, said Schaefbauer. “I’m really excited about how much awareness there is now for local flowers in our community. There’s been a lot of people starting flower farms and more people are learning about the importance of local product.”

For Schaefbauer, the most rewarding thing about owning a flower farm is seeing the happiness that her flowers and arrangements bring.

“That’s kind of why I do it is just people are so happy to get flowers and I get to add that special little unique part where there might be some flowers that people have never seen before and something unexpected,” Schaefbauer added. “The joy it brings people is definitely my favorite part.”

Sonnenblume Flower Farm arrangements can be ordered online or purchased in person at the Purple Fern in Brainerd and Victual in Crosby.

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