Apr 1, 2024 | By: Lakeland News

In Business: New Owner of Lyle’s Shoes Accomplishes Long-Awaited Dream

It’s the dream of many people to one day own and operate a store with products that they’re extremely passionate about. For Cathy Keezer, the new owner of Lyle’s Shoes in both Wadena and Park Rapids, she’s been able to accomplish her long-awaited dream.

“I started working for Lisa Baymler and Brian Koons August 28 of 2022,” said Keezer. “They approached me a few months later and asked me if I’d ever be interested in purchasing the shoe stores. So I did, and it’s just been the best thing ever.”

Keezer has more than 17 years of experience in the footwear industry. She purchased the business, its two locations, and the name “Lyle’s Shoes” for about $400,000. It was her dream to one day own a shoe store, but now she’s got two that she can call her own.

“It’s always been a dream of mine to own my own shoe store back for like, 18 years or so I’ve always wanted to,” she said. “But I never thought it would be a possible dream.”

Keezer is very thankful to the former owners for allowing her to pursue her passions even further.

“It’s amazing. I just – I just love what I do. And if it wasn’t for Brian and Lisa, I probably wouldn’t have had this chance,” reflected Keezer. “I really look forward to coming to work every day. It’s always something new, something different. You know, you meet so many different people, which I love. I enjoy that very much.”

And those people aren’t just locals.

“From all over. We’ve had people even from like other countries come in the store,” she explained. “Most of the tourists, they are like regular customers. They come up every year to come to the shoe store and purchase their shoes. It’s like, everyone, everyone from young to older, you know, they all come in. I just enjoy it so much.”

And even though Keezer is now a first-time business owner, she says she is up for the challenge.

“It can be a little overwhelming at times. You know, there’s, there is a lot to it, but it’s like I said, I’m so passionate about it. I look forward to it every day. I just can’t wait to come to work and see what it brings me that day.”

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