Jun 27, 2014 | By: Shane Lee
H.O.G. Rally Motorcycle Courses
Hundreds of Harley Davidson motorcycle riders have rumbled into the Brainerd Lakes Area for the state H.O.G. Rally. Some of the riders take advantage of the opportunity to brush up on their riding skills. The Department of Public Safety released numbers on June 18th, claiming 15 motorcycle fatalities in Minnesota in 2014. To avoid becoming a statistic, several riders join the safety courses at the 2014 H.O.G. Rally in Brainerd. Participants in the competent riders’ course have logged at least 5,000 miles on their bikes. Main points in the course are braking, turning, and swerving. The civilian police motorcycle course requires 12,000 miles ridden and features more advanced skills, like swerving at high speeds. More than anything, the courses serve as fresh reminders.
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