May 19, 2023 | By: Hanky Hazelton

Golden Apple: Pierz High School Students Learn the Art of Pouring Concrete

Students at Pierz Healy High School took part Wednesday in pouring concrete for a number of school projects that needed to be done. The activity is part of the electrical wiring, plumbing, and concrete class taught at the school once a semester.

Students learn the basics of how to mix concrete and the chemical process behind it, and they’ve been given the chance to run lasers, drive skid steers, and use rebar and mesh.

For the school’s game bleachers to sit on the ground level and avoid movement, students leveled out the weight of 4 yards each of concrete. Knife River Ready Mix Driver Nick Maslowski said each yard is about 4,000 pounds and will equal around 32,000 pounds altogether.

It’s hard work, but agriculture teacher Pat Tax says a lot of students like learning and trying new things, and that their goal is to inspire youth with opportunities like this.

Students said this is more than just a class but a lesson they can use for a job and far beyond 12 years of school.

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